The last couple of weeks have been all work and no play so it is good to have a few days off. I went down to Druridge bay to see if the Sea bindweed was in flower and to look for other plants. The dunes at East chevington is one of only two sites in the county for this species. For comparison on the way home I called in at Ulgham and took a picture of Hairy bindweed, another rare species up here. I counted over 30 Marsh helleborines some in the dunes and more in the fields that are grazed in winter by the cattle. I came across the snowy Coprinus niveus growing out of the cow dung, well named as the scales were dropping off the cap like snow in the breeze. I have added a picture of Eyebright; there are many species in the county but I believe this is Euphrasia confusa, another well named plant. Quiet on the bird front with only Black tailed godwit at Cresswell pond of note. The water levels are very high all over the bay. Many butterflies on the wing, chiefly Meadow browns, Small heath, Ringlet, Common blue and my first Small skipper this year.
Great coprinus piccie Nigel..did you go to the pools, see anything?
Wow...what a great bunch of pictures! I love the color in all of them. That white mushroom is stunning and the flowers are all beautiful!
Thanks for the comments. ipin I couldn't see much at Dru because of the water levels and the length of the grass!
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