I've been out everyday this week but not many photos taken. On Tuesday I was at Widdrington tip and there were a lot of birds around. 18 Skylarks singing, 2 meadow pipits, Yellowhammers and Reed buntings. 17 siskins flew north but a heron and a Buzzard were feeding on Frogs among the wet Alder plantation. Also 18 Common Snipe and 1 Jack. A couple of favourites here with Siskin and probably my favourite tree the Alder, because I like the habitat associated with this tree.
Yesterday I was at Harwood forest. There were hundreds of Siskin here as well as good numbers of Redpolls and Crossbills. The highlight was a Black grouse at Tutehill moss; my first record here but historically they were once here in big numbers. A male Goshawk was gliding low over the tree tops and at least 7 Buzzards in the area. 7 Roe deer here and one of them was rubbing velvet from its antlers in the rough grass.
Today I had a walk around Scotch gyll but just the regular woodland birds but full of birdsong. This evening my long luck at connecting with Owls this year continued with two Tawny Owls calling to each other in the ivy clad trees at the edge of Falcon hill. One of them looked really good against the dimming sky in the background...I must take my camera with me all the time, even in the dark.
Nice little read Nigel some of your places I have not heard of will have to get the map and myself out and explore.
I read a comment from Dave who wanted to know where Widdrington tip was but the comment wouldn't publish for some reason. So Dave Widdrington tip is on the western edge of the B1337 between Widdrington station and Widdrington village. About a quarter of a mile North of Widdrington station turn left at the signpost 'old brickworks' then follow this road next to a Beech wood for 300 yards then turn right and follow this road to roughly where the tarmac ends and becomes a narrow farm track. The former tip is accessed over a stile on your left hand side next to the gas burner. NZ243948
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